Reading Fort Collins Now, formerly Fort Collins Weekly, one has to ask if Julia Cobb got her journalism degree out of a crackerjack box. Reporting on the events outside the DNC yesterday, Cobb describes Alex Jones’ confrontation with the neocon Michelle Malkin as follows:
But soon, the attention was diverted from the peaceful protest by an altercation between a member of the conservative media and a citizen attending the protest. This was the second incident of its kind; on Sunday, protesters took exception to a Fox News reporter trying to question Ward Churchill, controversial former professor at the University of Colorado. Today it was radical Alex Jones, from the group 9/11 Truth, which believes that the September 11 terrorist attacks were planned by the U.S. government, verbally confronting Michelle Malkin, a conservative columnist and Fox News contributor.
“You support torture. Shame on you, you fascist piece of trash,” Jones yelled. He also accused Malkin of supporting the U.S. Marines when they drown puppies.
Malkin found an ally in Recreate 68’s Sanchez, who pushed his way into the crowd of TV cameras to yell at Jones: “Michelle Malkin is a true patriot!”
Sanchez later said he had no idea why Jones was attending the protest and added that Recreate 68 does not support Jones’ ideas. He added that although they strongly disagree with her views, Recreate 68 supports Malkin’s right to free speech.
Drown puppies? Lance Cpl. David Motari didn’t drown a puppy. He threw it over a cliff. This was a big story back in March, but for some reason Ms. Cobb didn’t bother to do any research.
She also did not mention the fact that Michelle Malkin insisted the puppy was not real. “The puppy doesn’t move. It’s clear to me that it’s either dead or a stuffed toy. The sound effects of a dog yapping seem to have been dubbed in,” Malkin wrote on her blog on March 3. “Disturbing whether the dog is real or fake, dead or alive? Yes. A hanging offense? No. But the clip is a useful cultural Rorschach test. Those who buy into the soldier-as-monster narrative are up in arms — demanding that the soldiers be hunted down and shot.”
Malkin then includes a few obscenity laced quotes that accompanied the video on YouTube. “I’m sure Gloria Steinem and the Berkeley City Council would agree,” she adds. This is the same Gloria Steinem who enjoyed “a 10-year association with the CIA,” according to Nancy Borman and the Village Voice. As a member of the CIA’s Mockingbird corporate media — Malkin works for Fox News — it would seem Michelle Malkin has more in common with Ms. Steinem than she would care to admit.
It is bizarre to claim Malkin “found an ally” in Recreate 68’s Kenneth Sanchez, who along with co-founder Mark Cohen attempted to “levitate” the U.S. Mint in Denver. Of course, this is not even original, it was ripped off from Abbie Hoffman. Back in 1967, 50,000 hippies attempted to levitate the Pentagon, turn it orange, and drive out the evil spirits responsible for the Vietnam War. Mark Cohen, wearing a red velvet wizard costume, and Recreate 68 managed to attract 50 people to this less than original stunt.
It makes sense Sanchez would declare Malkin a “true patriot,” although Recreate 68 allegedly disagrees with her views. According to Truth Alliance, Recreate 68 is a COINTELPRO project designed to discredit legitimate antiwar groups by instigating violence in Denver during the DNC. Malkin did her part, adding to the hype on her blog on March 21 when she wrote that Recreate 68 is part and parcel of “the history of left-wing violence against law enforcement” and admonished the cops to “take the nutballs seriously.” In response, nutball Sanchez embraced Malkin and disavowed the “radical” Alex Jones.
“Recreate 68 co-founder Glenn Spagnuolo agreed [with Sanchez] saying [Alex Jones] is “the true agent provocateur, he was so busy hating, he missed all the love.” Spagnuolo’s “love” is rather peculiar, as the point of Recreate 68 is to initiate a re-run of the 1968 police riot in Chicago. Is it possible Mr. Spagnuolo echoes Yippie Jerry Rubin, who wished for martial law in Chicago? Love has nothing to do with bashing heads.

According to Aaron Dykes of The Jones Report, “frat-boy type” instigators “wearing court jester hats” called for Michelle Malkin to be killed, not Alex Jones.
John Ingold, writing for the Denver Post, says Alex Jones engaged in a “brief shoving match” during the Malkin confrontation. In fact, Malkin’s goons initiated this “shoving match,” as videos of the incident reveal. “Police mostly stood by,” writes Ingold, even though Malkin’s “security” assaulted both Jones and his cameras.
Finally, according to the Gateway Pundit blog and others, Alex Jones screamed “Kill Michelle Malkin” during the confrontation.
In fact, Alex did not call for Malkin’s murder and witnesses say this call came from others not associated with Alex Jones or his crew. It was “frat-boy type” instigators, notes Aaron Dykes, editor of The Jones Report, “wearing court jester hats and making inflammatory statements.” Dykes further states that, after chanting for Malkin’s death, these instigators asked why Alex had called for violence against Faux News’ neocon darling. “The court jesters are just like the Wonkette people who would try to ridicule Ron Paul with Mickey Mouse cameras and demeaning questions,” Aaron adds. “The point is, it is disingenuous and meant to ridicule, not to confront or raise real questions.”
Wonkette is a reference to a popular “progressive” blog run by Ana Marie Cox, the wife of insider Chris Lehmann, formerly of The Washington Post and now an editor at Congressional Quarterly. Cox’s blog obsessively criticized and stalked the Ron Paul presidential campaign.