A new article in TIME magazine suggests that geo-engineering the planet may be the only way forward to prevent the climate “collapsing”.
Bryan Walsh’s article, entitled Can Geoengineering Help Slow Global Warming? suggests that through the use of fossil fuels we are “already geoengineers” and that “we might as well get good at it.”
“If we geoengineered the earth into a mess with our uncontrolled appetite for fossil fuels, maybe we have to geoengineer our way out of it” Walsh writes, citing a new paper by the think tank Copenhagen Consensus on Climate.
In the paper, co-author Lee Lane cites all the usual suggestions of how the planet could be cooled including space mirrors, seawater-mist and man-made volcanoes.
The most prominent form of geoengineering suggested in the paper, however, comes in the form of spraying sulfur into the air.
“One way to turn down the thermostat would be to spread sulfur particles into the atmosphere, either through artillery or with airplanes, thickening the air enough so that it would bounce some sunlight back …it would need to be done continuously, to keep up with the intensifying greenhouse effect.” the article explains.
As we previously highlighted when this issue last hit the headlines, the process described here is already being conducted by government-affiliated universities, government agencies, and on a mass scale through chemtrail spraying.
The study of past and ongoing upper atmosphere aerosol programs confirms that the government has been active in this field for years.
The topic of geoengineering came to the fore back in April when Obama’s science czar John Holdren commented in an AP interview that he was pushing for radical terra forming programs to be explored.
Holdren’s suggestions for planetary geoengineering exactly mirrored those in publications penned by the elite internationalist group The Council On Foreign Relations, who also called for the implementation of a global Carbon Tax in 1999.
The Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy then back pedaled 360 degrees on his own comments when the wider media picked up on them and turned them into major headlines.
Holdren’s interest in radical geoengineering programs should be of great concern to the American people and the rest of the world given that he has also advocated extreme population control techniques including forced abortions and mass sterilization all under the oversight of a “Planetary Regime”.
Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. If you don’t believe it you can read it for yourself in Holdren’s own book Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977. Excerpts of the book can also be found in another of our previous articles on Holdren here.
Interestingly, Lee Lane, the author of the new geoengineering paper, is also a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a common hangout for neoconservatives such as John Bolton, David Frum, Irving Kristol, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and John Yoo.
The AEI is renowned for casting doubt on the theory of human caused global warming, and is heavily funded by energy companies, but it is also best known as a forum to engender business opportunities.
These tentative announcements and recycling of ideas to terra form the planet constitute a first step toward introducing the idea to the wider public.
One of the accepted truisms of scientific study is the fact that if scientists are proposing an idea, then those scientists with access to the bottomless pit of black-budget secret government funding are already doing it.
It is highly likely that sulfur spraying and chemtrails are merely one manifestation of “geo-engineering” that is taking place without proper debate, notification or any form of legality, and with a callous disregard for the potential dangers to both our health and our environment.