The corporate media is freaking out over Americans exercising their right under the Second Amendment and open carry laws in Arizona and New Hampshire. It just drives them nuts citizens would show up at Obama events with legal weapons.
As Chris Matthews insinuated in his confrontational interview with William Kostric after the New Hampshire patriot showed up with a sidearm at an Obama event, these people want to assassinate the president. “Why did you bring a god damn gun at a Presidential event. I think those things make people wonder what you’re about,” asked an irate Matthews.
The corporate media went into overdrive in an attempt to portray Kostric as a right-wing extremist and a potential threat to the president. Joan Walsh, writing for Salon, attempted to connect Kostric to the birther movement and noted his connection to the “far-right group” We the People, while The New York times portrayed Kostric as “your average hard-core Ron Paul voter — male, smug and obsessed with the money supply.”
It drives the corporate media limo libs crazy when they see rustics with guns. Five alarm fire bells go off when they see the words of Thomas Jefferson on placards held by armed citizens.
Last night MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had a former Secret Service agent on her show. People exercising their rights under the Constitution and state laws are “creating an atmosphere that could be dangerous to the president,” said Joseph Petro. “I would argue that the vitriolic political rhetoric we’re hearing from seemingly responsible people is stimulating a lot of these foolish stunts,” he said.
On August 17, the Associated Press added to the supposed outrage. “About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with a military-style rifle, milled among protesters outside the convention center where President Barack Obama was giving a speech Monday.”
Fred Solop, a Northern Arizona University political scientist, told the AP the incidents in New Hampshire and Arizona could signal the beginning of a disturbing trend. “When you start to bring guns to political rallies, it does layer on another level of concern and significance,” Solop said. “It actually becomes quite scary for many people. It creates a chilling effect in the ability of our society to carry on honest communication.”
It becomes “quite scary for many people” because a majority of Americans no longer understand the Constitution or its core principles. The Second Amendment was not designed to create “a chilling effect in the ability of our society to carry on honest communication,” but rather ensure it from a tyrannical government.
Paul Helmke, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said Obama’s propaganda events should be Constitution free zones. “To me, this is craziness,” he declared. “When you bring a loaded gun, particularly a loaded assault rifle, to any political event, but particularly to one where the president is appearing, you’re just making the situation dangerous for everyone.”
In other words, Americans exercising their constitutional rights are a danger to the president and society as a whole.
The corporate media, at the behest of our rulers, is desperate to characterize law-abiding Americans — Arizona, after all, has an open carry law allowing citizens to legally carry their weapons in public — as rightwing extremist lunatics who are a threat to the New World Order’s latest front man.
“Welcome to the disturbing new face of the radical right in America,” Paul Harris wrote for the Guardian last week. “Across the country, extremism is surging, inflamed by conservative talkshow hosts, encouraged by Republican leaders and propagating a series of wild conspiracy theories. Many fear it might end in tragedy…. Many experts believe that spark is no longer missing. Critics say that Republican politicians have let loose a wave of anger tied to the healthcare debate.”
The “experts” are from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that is “now become a threat to the freedoms and security of American citizens due to their repeated attacks on all First Amendment rights and their utter debasement of the political process,” writes William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration. “While in the past the SPLC has targeted “hate groups” or groups deemed racist and potentially violent, such as the KKK and Neo Nazi groups, the SPLC has recently used their reputation for righting these groups to go after moderate and mainstream Americans, journalists, and show hosts and anchors in an attempt to suppress free speech.”
The American people are waking up to the coercive and tyrannical power of government, Republican politicians notwithstanding. In order to portray millions of Americans as rightwing nut cases, the corporate media — taking its cues from the Department of Homeland Security and the SPLC — has kicked into overdrive to demonize patriotic Americans.
In the days ahead, we can expect more of this anti-Constitution extremist rhetoric from the lapdog corporate media.