Biometrics R&D firm Global Rainmakers Inc. recently unveiled a plan to place iris scanners and other tracking devices in what they toted as the “most secure” city in the world. Leon, Mexico was the city chosen to unleash the privacy-infringing technology upon. The city is creating a database of irises in order to create a colossal database that can be used to identify and track citizens. Ex-criminals will be specifically targeted. Those who have been charged with shoplifting will have trouble entering stores without being constantly observed, and others will not be allowed to board planes.Biometrics Taken To A Whole New Level
The mandatory iris scanning in order to enter certain buildings is haunting enough, but the larger endgame of this technological grid is much more disturbing and protrusive. GRI went on to state their plan for an Orwellian future.
“In the future, whether it’s entering your home, opening your car, entering your workspace, getting a pharmacy prescription refilled, or having your medical records pulled up, everything will come off that unique key that is your iris,” said the company’s chief business developer an interview.
The megalomaniacs in charge of setting up this “safe” city are very similar to those who setup the biometric system here in the United States. In the same interview it is mentioned that the CIA uses similar tactics to spy on United States citizens. In order to play this off as another measure to keep us “safe”, the company’s representative insists that it is only done to capture members of Al-Qaeda.
“Voice biometrics are also huge. It’s how the CIA monitors communication across the globe. They sift through cell phones and create voice biometrics to find Al-Qaeda members, for instance, and hit them in their car later with a missile. That is not going away either.” he said.
Seizing The Internet
Coinciding with such a gloomy blueprint for civilization, Google’s CEO echoed similar statements in an article that appeared in the Telegraph. Not only does Schmidt say with certainty that in the future the current generation will have to change their names to escape their internet past, but he also goes on to say that Google will eventually become much more than a search engine. Schmidt says that people do not want Google to answer their questions, but that they want Google to “tell them what they should be doing next.”
Google is notorious for spying on its users, but Schmidt takes it to another level. Schmidt says that Google will know “roughly who you are, roughly what you care about, roughly who your friends are” in the near future. That is certainly taking Google to a whole new level of technological spying. Google is rather open about the fact that your information is being recorded, however. Last year Schmidt said that “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”
Such sentiments from the CEO of a company that operates 2 of the top 5 sites in the world is quite troubling. Google has immense power over the direction of the internet in terms of trends and fads, and have been caught censoring oppositional terms such as “Google spies”.
Beta Testing
In reality, this “safe” city is simply a beta test before iris scanners and other outlandish tracking systems are installed in major U.S. cities. Technology is neither good or evil, but it can be used by good or evil people. The citizens of the United States and elsewhere will be told that these systems are only being put in place for increased convenience, and defense against terrorists.
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This is the same tired excuse that has brought upon body scanners that have been linked to cancer, and illegal searches of all kinds. Do not allow corrupt officials to bend the rules of the Constitution under the guide of convenience and false safety. Is the “safest” city really all that safe for the average person?