Proving once again that the left-right paradigm is completely phony and that the real battle is between the establishment and the people, MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who admits that he analyzes politics “from a Marxist perspective” and whose idol is Communist ideologue Saul Alinsky, echoed the exact same talking points about Debra Medina that were uttered during Glenn Beck’s attempted character assassination on the Texas gubernatorial candidate last week.
While Glenn Beck poses as a populist conservative and Matthews as a liberal, they share the exact same attack dog ambush journalism tactics and smear campaign methods in service of their corporate media bosses.
The fact that Beck and Matthews, while claiming to come from opposite ends of the political spectrum, sound almost identical, proves that they are both establishment frauds whose job it is to target real Constitutionalist leaders like Debra Medina, who is being attacked as a consequence of a neo-con dirty tricks campaign at the behest of Bilderberg attendee Rick Perry.
During an interview segment with Tea Party activist and Oath Keeper Sheriff Richard Mack on his MSNBC Hardball show yesterday, Matthews made a transparent effort to ape Beck’s 9/11 truther ambush when he asked Mack, “You‘re backing this woman Debra Medina in Texas for governor. Fine. She‘s something of a—she‘s something of a truther. Are you? Are you a truther?”
Mack responded by saying no, but that he had talked with Medina about 9/11 truth and later told Matthews that he too had questions about the official story.
“She just gave the speech the other day. She just gave the speech,” sniped Matthews. “I‘m sorry, sir. We have the tape. We will play it again tonight. She gave a speech the other day saying that she wants to know what happened on 9/11, whether the government was involved. She thinks that‘s a fair question.”
“Do you think there‘s a question about whether the federal government blew up those buildings? Is that an open question to you?” Matthews barked, clearly trying to ambush Mack by shouting over him and then accusing him of “talking like a politician”.
Matthews relentlessly pursued the ambush, “I‘m asking you a yes-or-no question. Is there an open question whether the federal government had something to do with 9/11? Is that an open question to you?”
Mack reminded Matthews that he wasn’t on the show to talk about 9/11, clearly illustrating that Matthews had merely thrown in the topic in a desperate attempt to mimic Glenn Beck’s smear on Medina.
Mack later told Matthews that Beck was out of line and owed Medina an apology.
The transcript of the interview can be read here.
Matthews’ pathetic attempt to regurgitate Fox News and Glenn Beck talking points about Debra Medina and 9/11 truthers gives us a clear insight into how the establishment coordinates its smear campaigns, as well as acting as a startling reminder that there is no difference between the establishment left and the establishment right – both employ the exact same tactics in their efforts to marginalize, discredit and tarnish the reputation of the real grass roots liberty movement.
Glenn Beck’s portrayal of Medina as a nut job merely for saying Americans have a right to question 9/11 has blown up in his face after it was revealed that Beck ally and Rick Perry advocate Sarah Palin went even further than Medina back in 2008 when she called for a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks. In addition, Beck himself said that people had a right and a responsibility to ask questions about their government during an episode of his show last September and even asked some of his own about 9/11, proving that he is a total hypocrite for grilling Medina about making similar comments.
Beck and Matthews are not only parroting each other’s talking points, they are both attempting to prop up the crumbling edifice of the mainstream media’s delusion that it can still dictate reality by lecturing us that merely questioning the official 9/11 story is an indication of mental instability, when the vast majority of American citizens, along with six of the ten 9/11 Commissioners themselves, do not believe the government’s version of events.