FLASHBACK: The Return of Arnold's Nazi Belt Buckle
Are the elite mocking us with symbols of their dominance, as they pose as the saviors of humanity?
One gets that impression. Already David de Rothschild, heir to the London branch of the Rothschild family, has been promoting an eco-stunt (as he rightly calls it below) where he will travel around the world in a recycled-plastic boat powered by human fecal matter-- a form of making lemonade out of lemons for an elite class that believes it is the hordes of unwashed masses who are trampling always upon Mother Earth (or maybe that's just a populist perception of the wider depopulation agenda).
Now, he has been spotted promoting his Plastiki boat while sporting a Skull & Bones belt buckle, a universal symbol of death, piracy and a key emblem of the Nazi regime. The photos are in an article hailing de Rothschild as the 'Plastics Jesus'-- a disgusting moniker for a true eco-fasicst. The Rothshild family stands to gain even more from carbon trading schemes than Al Gore does, all while pretending to save the Earth. Reuters: Rothschild, E3 launch carbon credit investment fund
Surely, dictator-loving Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger was making a statement when he showed off his Nazi-issue 'deathshead' belt buckle in TIME and Esquire magazines (see below).
From Outdoor magazine: "I think the perception can be, Here's an affluent kid, and this is some kind of environmental stunt," de Rothschild says. "But if you dig into it, you can't belittle it like that. You go, Actually, these guys have developed something credible."
As you may have heard, David de Rothschild, 31, an heir to the famous European banking fortune, is building a catamaran out of some 12,500 plastic water bottles and sailing it from San Francisco to Sydney, Australia. He plans to depart by the end of the year with two full-time skippers and a cameraman. Along the way they'll pass through the Eastern Garbage Patch, a slowly twirling vortex of suspended plastic bits in the North Pacific that's been estimated at twice the size of Texas. At stopover islands on the route, he'll pick up and drop off temporary crew members—scientists, writers, artists, entrepreneurs, athletes, even Hollywood celebrities, if they have environmental credibility—who will help him market his message.