(NaturalNews) Thirty-seven legal, medical and research professionals have sent a letter to the journal Science, asking it to officially retract the original four papers making the case for HIV as the cause of AIDS. According to the letter’s authors, widespread evidence has now emerged that the studies were not only poorly carried out, but that their results were falsified.
In 1984, Robert Gallo published four articles in Science, claiming that he had isolated the HIV virus and concluding that it was the “probable cause of AIDS.” Investigative journalist Janine Roberts has discovered, however, that Gallo made last-minute alterations to the paper and its results.
“I was shocked when I read the original draft of the key scientific paper now widely cited as proving HIV causes AIDS,” said Roberts, author of Fear of the Invisible.
“Gallo’s handwritten last-minute changes had reversed what the scientists in his lab had originally concluded. This demonstrates a stunning disregard for the scientific process and a very disturbing breach of public trust.”
Along with a copy of the handwritten changes, the letter from the 37 experts includes a letter from Gallo himself, admitting to another researcher that HIV could not be isolated from human samples alone; and a letter from an electron microscopy expert saying that there was no HIV virus contained in Gallo’s 1984 samples.
Gallo’s research has come under fire before, with U.S. government investigations in the 1990s concluding that the lead paper was “fraught with false and erroneous statements” and that “the careless and unacceptable keeping of research records … reflects irresponsible laboratory management that has permanently impaired the ability to retrace the important steps taken.”
“With new findings that undermine the scientific integrity and veracity of Gallo’s four papers, the entire basis of the theory that HIV causes AIDS may now be questioned,” said David Crowe, president of the international organization Rethinking AIDS.
Sources for this story include: http://www.rethinkingaids.com/.