February 13, 2009
Dear Friend of Liberty,
Please take a moment to read the following report from C4L Interim State Coordinator Kirk Shelley regarding recent action in the Oklahoma legislature to uphold the state's sovereignty under the Constitution's Tenth Amendment.
Similar action is being taken all over the country, as resistance to the federal government's continual intrusion into our lives grows. I urge all our Oklahoma members to immediately contact their state representatives in support of final passage for House Joint Resolution 1003. More details are included in this report.
If you are in a state where such a resolution has not been introduced, contact your state legislators today and tell them to stand up for your state's sovereignty.
In Liberty,
John Tate
President, Campaign for Liberty
Paul Supporters Lead Fight to Restore State Sovereignty in Oklahoma
"State House to consider historic bill to take back state's rights under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution"
Oklahoma City – For far too long, the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been known as the forgotten amendment. With power grab after power grab, Congress has slowly eroded the rights of states to keep powers not specifically granted to the federal government.
As more and more citizens and state legislators across the country begin to realize that this loss of states rights is at the core of many of our nation's problems, those legislators have set out to stop the out of control Congress and restore some sense of sanity and constitutional protections to the individual states.
On February 11th, Oklahoma became the first state to act on legislation to do just that. This action was directly brought about by a Ron Paul supporter, and it is Campaign for Liberty members that will see this battle all the way through.
You see, the 10th Amendment in our nation's Bill of Rights has long been despised by our big government foes. That amendment was drafted to enshrine in the Constitution what the Founders and the original states already knew: any power not expressly given to the federal government is kept by the states and the people. Although a lot of freedom-minded individuals have long fought for full compliance with this amendment in modern times, there has been a void of leadership and a lack of focused action - until now.
That void has been filled by the formation of Campaign for Liberty, which was born from Ron Paul's galvanizing 2008 Presidential campaign.
Campaign for Liberty is fighting in state legislatures across the country and in Congress to preserve and restore constitutional rights to all citizens, to subdue an out of control federal government, and to win back our lost freedom.
The fight in Oklahoma is a great example of the kind of battles we face in the next stages of the Ron Paul Revolution.
With the support of Dr. Paul's activists throughout the state, the Oklahoma legislature has taken up a vital bill to put Congress in its place and to remind it that there are limits to federal power.
This past Wednesday, the Oklahoma House Rules Committee unanimously supported House Joint Resolution 1003 (http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/2009-10HB/HJR1003_int.rtf), which expresses the sovereignty of the State of Oklahoma and clearly calls for an end to unconstitutional federal government mandates.
Representative Charles Key (R-Oklahoma City), the sponsor of this bill, has spearheaded a national movement to put the federal government on notice that the separate states are sick and tired of having their actions dictated by Washington, D.C.
Rep. Charles Key is a supporter of Dr. Paul – in fact, he was the first elected official in Oklahoma to endorse Ron Paul's candidacy for President (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa5sCO-3ly0) because of Dr. Paul's strong support for the US Constitution.
Oklahoma IS an example of how the R3volution is leading the battle to restore constitutional rights and freedoms to our citizens. The fight to reclaim our Republic and restore our Constitution is just beginning, and, with the continued efforts of Campaign for Liberty members all across the country, it is a fight that we can and will win.
Kirk Shelley
Oklahoma Interim State Coordinator, Campaign for Liberty
2008 State Coordinator, Ron Paul for President
P.S. If you live in Oklahoma, please contact your State House representatives and senators immediately. You can find their contact information here: http://www.capitolconnect.com/oklahoma/default.aspx