Parents seething over “requirement” that children get a flu shot in order to attend preschools and day-care centers
Hundreds of concerned parents participated in demonstrations outside the New Jersey Statehouse yesterday in protest of the State’s decision to mandate flu vaccinations for young children.
Protesters also turned out to support a bill that would allow for conscientious objections to forced vaccinations, arguing that medication should be the choice of the parent not the government.
New Jersey’s health department has indicated that it is strongly opposed to such legislation, stating “Broad exemptions to mandatory vaccination weaken the entire compliance and enforcement structure”.
New Jersey’s policy was approved last December by the state’s Public Health Council and is taking effect this fall, reports the Daily Texan.
Children from 6 months to 5 years old who attend a child-care center or preschool have until Dec. 31 to receive the flu vaccine, along with a pneumococcal vaccine.
Watch a CBS short on the protests:
Ralph Fucetola JD, trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation, a non governmental educational body, insisted that there is a universal right to vaccine exemptions.
“It is so important to remember that this harm that is caused by vaccines is a foreseeable harm. The insurance industry foresees the harm, and will not insure the pharmaceutical industry against this harm. Yet we as parents as being forced to give these dangerous substances to children in exchange for alleged free public education. This is simply wrong.” Fucetola said.
Watch Fucetola’s speech:
Ralph Fucetola also referred to a case we reported on in Prince George’s County, Maryland, last November, where parents of more than 1600 children were told they could be put in jail for failing to get their kids vaccinated. At the time a local Fox News affiliate reported, “A new law was passed last year requiring children from 5th through to 10th grade to have the vaccine,” which was a total lie.
The non-complying parents were not charged not under vaccination laws (because there aren’t any) but under truancy, neglect or child in need of supervision laws, which state that the parent is culpable after 30 days of a child’s unexplained absence from school.
The school itself triggered the truancy violation by unfairly kicking the kids out of school, and failing to inform parents about vaccine waiver forms. A state prosecutor involved in the case then admitted that there is no law that mandates any vaccine.
This trick will continue to hoodwink Americans into taking all manner of dangerous and untested vaccines, the number of which rises every year, until they realize that there is no law that forces them to take any vaccine.
More recently, large Pharmaceutical companies, unable to sell the “benefits” of vaccinations to make enough profit out of them, have increasingly turned to state legislatures and attempted to pay off Governors and other officials to curry favor and force young children to take vaccines such as the flu shot and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
However, pharmaceutical giants have faced a fierce backlash from concerned parents and religious organizations.
We previously exposed Merck’s role in one such crony deal with Texas Governor Rick Perry which saw a resulting media campaign fool parents into thinking that the HPV vaccine had been made compulsory by law for all young girls.
Without consulting and doctors, scientists or medical experts, Perry, who has various close ties to Merck, issued an executive order requiring girls to be vaccinated against HPV. Several Texas lawmakers subsequently petitioned for a reversal of the decision without success.
Almost immediately following Perry’s announcement, newspapers and TV stations began to report that it was “the law” that parents had to have their child vaccinated. This reflects a national and international hoax that is repeatedly being perpetrated shortly before school terms begin each year.
There is no law in America, aside from those applying to medical workers, that says any citizen or their children have to take any vaccine whatsoever, no matter what any executive order, requirement, mandate or policy dictates.
As in the case of all other vaccines, Perry’s executive order merely stated that the vaccine is “recommended,” yet the mass media drumbeat constantly conditions people to believe that if they don’t take their shots they will be kicked out of school, arrested and thrown in jail.
Until this is drilled home with parents we will also keep seeing relatively unchallenged moves to pass legislation to make mandatory all vaccines recommended by the CDC for all children, including infants and toddlers.