We must instill in the next generation a belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and teach them to value discourse and nonviolent conflict resolution. [1]
By and large most people living on the face of this earth have not embraced globalism. Many have seen the harsh direct effects of globalism. Today our dollar has lost most of its buying power, inflation is raging out of control and we do not produce enough food or clothing for our very survival. In the name of globalism we are being sacrificed while in another nation they are prospering temporarily off of our suffering.
The concept of a ‘cosmopolitan citizenship’ (often interchangeable with global citizenship) suggests an allegiance to a new form of global civil society and a new global consciousness that conceptualizes a ‘cosmopolitan order transcending state boundaries and focusing on the rights of individuals’ (Carter, 2001, p.3). [2]
The internationalist organizations have decided to focus their indoctrinations on the youth, to influence the ‘hearts and minds’ of children. Young impressionable minds which were already being molded in the public school system are being twisted and warped by numerous globalist organizations. Using Pavlovian conditioning methods, group think and peer pressure the individual will succumb to will of the hive.
The first ever Zenith Global Citizenship Conference, an initiative designed to build leadership and inspiration in youth between the ages of 15 and 25…"Our vision is to make sure Zenith is not just a conference, but that it is a platform for youth to synergize and to step out into their community, whether it’s on a small scale or a large scale." [3]
One of those organizations is the Council on Foreign Relations that has established “Global Kids”.
Global Kids (GK) [4] is a project which takes children from urban public schools and instructs them in foreign affairs, international law, free trade and the environment. The basic new world order framework is being injected into minds of children across the globe through these different groups. Global Kids is a petri dish used to raise new political leaders with the cosmopolitan mindset and ruthless conviction necessary to succeed.
The movement is called Nashi which means "Ours". It was set up in 2005 to combat Western styled colour revolutions…Nashi members are between 15 and 23. Inside the camp pictures of Vladimir Putin hang in pride of place. It feels like the cult of personality is flourishing in 21st century Russia. [5]
A child’s mind should not be polluted in order to further some elitist agenda. What will our world be like in the very near future when these indoctrinated youths grow up and become leaders in their communities? Will they enact or endorse inhumane policies with smiles on their faces? Corrupting a child’s mind is the ultimate transgression. A child should see the world through the eyes of the parent not the state and definitely not a think-tank that was established to destroy our nation from within.
“The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of their time each day.” –M.G
1. Global Politician. Preparing Unipolar Children for a Nonpolar World. 2008 [cited; Available from: [http://www.globalpolitician.com/24911-children]
2. Recoup. Globalising the School Curriculum. 2008 [cited; Available from: [http://recoup.educ.cam.ac.uk/publications/WP17-MA.pdf]
3. Canada. Zenith aims to inspire tomorrow’s leaders. 2008 [cited; Available from: [http://www.canada.com/components/print.aspx?id=2d8c6e28-cc8d-4304-a4a2-f8330eca98ce&k=41589&sponsor=]
4. PrimeNewsWire. Global Kids Commences 4th Annual U.S. in the World Initiative At the Council On Foreign Relations. 2008 [cited; Available from: [http://www.primenewswire.com/newsroom/news.html?d=145796]
5. Sky News. Putin Youth Are Taught America Is ‘Evil’. 2008 [cited; Available from: [http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Sky-News-Archive/Article/20082851277075]