by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
The device is described in U.S. patent application number 20120298119, and the three people behind its invention are Reese; Corbin; (Scottsdale, AZ) ; Pegg; Donald L.; (Chandler, AZ) ; Lockwood; Lucius L.; (Phoenix, AZ)
As described in the patent application (bold added):
Embodiments of the restraining device of the present invention includes a restraint for physically constraining movement of at least a portion of a detainee's body; an electric shock component coupled to the restraint; and a control system coupled to the electric shock component, the control system configured to cause the electric shock component to deliver a shock to the detainee when a predetermined condition occurs. The restraining device may be any device capable of being attached to a detainee and restraining at least a portion of the detainee's body, and in various implementations may include at least one of: a handcuff; an ankle cuff; a restraining belt; a straightjacket; a harness; a facial restraint; a helmet; and a neck collar; and combinations thereof.
Combined with RFID to deliver proximity electroshocks
The handcuffs are able to deliver electroshock torture in combination with RFID chips that determine the distance between prisoners and weapons or other objects. If the prisoner wearing the cuffs approaches too closely to an RFID-equipped object, they are electro-shocked.As the patent describes:
...if a weapon is equipped with an RFID or other identification device, sensors in the restraining device may transmit a signal and receive a response signal indicating that a weapon is in a predetermined the proximity, and if the detainee does not move away from the weapon to cause the response signal to fall below a predetermined threshold, a shock will be administered.
Here's a picture of the device, courtesy of, which originally discovered this patent:

If you fail to verbally acknowledge, you will be electroshocked
The cuffs can also be configured to deliver electroshocks to prisoners upon their failure to verbally acknowledge something. As described in the patent:In yet another embodiment, an unauthorized activity occurs when the detainee fails to provide a predetermined verbal acknowledgement.
If you do not answer, "YES SIR!" in other words, you will be tortured for your silence.
"Gas injection" system medicates prisoner with government chemicals
It's not enough to merely electroshock torture prisoners who are wearing these cuffs, by the way. The invention also includes microscopic needles and a "gas injection system" to inject the prisoner with whatever drugs or chemicals the government desires.As described in the patent (bolding added):
Various embodiments of the restraining device of the present invention also comprise a substance delivery system in communication with the control system, wherein the control system is configured to cause the substance delivery system to expose the detainee to the substance. The substance may includes any substance capable of being stored or delivered by the restraining device to achieve any desired result, and may be a least one of a liquid, a gas, a dye, an irritant, a medication, a sedative, a transdermal medication or transdermal enhancers such as dimethyl sulfoxide, a chemical restraint, a paralytic, a medication prescribed to the detainee, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the restraining device may be configured to inject the substance through a movable needle or gas injection system. Administration of such substances may be in addition to or in place of any electric shocks delivered by the restraining device, and substances may be delivered to achieve any desired goal such as providing a needed medication to a patient; preventing occurrence of uncontrollable psychotic episodes or seizures, suppression of undesirable behavior, chemical restraint when electrical restraint is insufficient (such as in the case if a energy storage device in the restraining device has insufficient charge state) or any other desired reason.
Can you get any more police state than this?
Brought to you by the same company that manufactures S&M sex toys
Natural News has learned that the inventors of these electroshock torture handcuffs are the same people involved in the manufacture and marketing of S&M sex toy handcuffs. This picture on the right, taken from their home page, depicts some of the sex bondage cuffs that their company promotes at
Fun cuffs is a revolutionary product that combines traditional hand cuffs with the ability to remotely shock the person wearing the Fun Cuffs. The level of shock can be adjusted on the remote from "nice" to "naughty". The Fun Cuffs are rechargeable so they are long lasting, allowing more time to enjoy the excitement they will bring to your play.
These electroshock S&M cuffs were apparently the beginning of what has now become a new police state electroshock torture device. On their home page as viewed on December 12, 2012, they tease about what's coming soon with their electroshock torture handcuffs, saying, "Stay tuned. More shocking news to come..." as if it's all a big joke.
In case Fun Cuffs changes their home page (which they will after this story goes viral), we have captured an image of their home page, taken on 12/12/2012. Click here to view it.
Police state tyranny and sexually deviant behavior go hand in hand
The sexually deviant behavior associated with such devices fits perfectly with the behavior of the TSA which routinely engages in the sexual molestation of air travelers in U.S. airports. TSA agents are a key part of the U.S. police state rollout, and they have been observed and video recorded molesting young children, routinely stealing electronic devices from travelers, physically assaulting elderly women, molesting journalists and even raping the editor of a prominent science journal who went public with her story.Multiple TSA agents have been caught distributing child pornography. It is well known that the TSA deliberately hires sociopaths and pedophiles.
Police state goons and sexual deviancy go hand in hand. Janet Napolitano and her cohorts in Washington D.C. were recently the subject of a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by a top DHS police officer. As reported
New York's top Department of Homeland Security cop is suing Department of Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano in an explosive but heretofore unnoticed federal lawsuit alleging Homeland Security employment discrimination against straight male agents by Napolitano in favor of her lesbian girlfriend and sexual harassment of male agents by Napolitano's handpicked Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Chief of Staff, Suzanne Barr. The lawsuit alleges that Barr demanded a male ICE Special Agent engage in oral sex with her and that she relocated three top male ICE agents' offices to the men's bathroom at ICE headquarters. All of the alleged misconduct was the behavior of Barack Obama's hand-picked people running the Department of Homeland Security, who've created a hostile work environment for straight male agents, a story I recently broke on this site.
It is no surprise, then, that the company which has patented a police state electroshock torture device is the same company that also markets S&M sex toy handcuffs which also deliver remote electro-shocks.
Prison guards, TSA and federal police state goons exhibit cruel behavior
If you put these electroshock torture devices into the hands of today's sociopathic law enforcers, it creates the perfect recipe for cruel and unusual punishment of victims who have merely been handcuffed and may not be guilty of any crime whatsoever.In California, the raw milk man James Stewart was shackled by LA County jail goons who chained Stewart's arms and legs together, then left him in a cold, isolated cell to suffer from hypothermia. This was all part of an effort to get Stewart to relent and give in to a plea bargain (which he eventually did, in order to save his own life).
Had LA County jail guard been given access to these new patented "electroshock torture handcuffs," they would no doubt have enjoyed a few rounds of delivering painful shocks to Stewart's body as they remote controlled the device.
This is the problem with the introduction of new torture technologies into a police state society that utterly lacks ethics, morals and compassion. The United States government no longer even follows law! Instead of the devices being used for the purpose of protecting citizens' rights as guaranteed under the U.S. Bill of Rights, they will be used as entertainment devices for police state goons to "get their kicks" by torturing prisoners who will soon be anyone who speaks out against government tyranny or speaks of the United States Constitution.
Do law enforcers really abuse citizens in America today? Just recently, a deranged police officer in Texas was caught on video kneeing a kid's head into the dirt and screaming: "Move So I Can Kick Your Ass And F*** You Up!"
That video is available at
One can only imagine what these cruel, inhumane law enforcement goons are going to do if the U.S. government starts providing them with electroshock torture handcuffs.
Electroshock torture handcuffs to be featured in Mike Adams' "Freedom Chronicles" sci-fi novel
These handcuffs are so insidious and oppressive that I'm going to write them into an upcoming episode of my dystopian sci-fi novel, published FREE online, called Freedom Chronicles 2026The next episode of Freedom Chronicles will be released this Friday, with a new episode coming each week for the next six weeks. The novel is fiction, but it parallels what we're seeing in the real world right now such as these electroshock torture handcuffs.
Sources for this story include: - these folks deserve credit for locating this patent and sounding the alarm.
US Patent & Trademark Office where you can view the complete patent application and all its claims.
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