In the wake of Alex Jones and Infowars and Prison Planet breaking the MIAC story, Highway Patrol Superintendent James Keathley has put a halt to the report designating Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians and constitutionalists as terrorists. “The head of the Missouri State Highway Patrol has shut down a controversial report linking right-wing groups with the modern militia movement,” reports the Associated Press.
Missouri is taking the report seriously and is now engaging in damage control. “Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder on Wednesday called on the director of the Public Safety Department to be placed on administrative leave pending an investigation of the report.” In addition, Keathley said he is creating a new system in which he and Public Safety Department Director John Britt will review future reports before they are released.
Kinder told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that all groups have extremists, and pointed to eco-terrorists as examples of liberal militia groups that weren’t mentioned in the report.“Apparently it was more important to focus on pro-lifers,” he said.
After an anonymous police officer in Missouri sent the MIAC report to Alex Jones and his flagship websites posted the report and commentary, the corporate media covered the story without providing attribution to Jones or his journalists. The corporate media coverage reached a crescendo when Fox News host Glenn Beck mentioned the MIAC report on March 23. Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh also mentioned the report.
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show on March 19, founder-pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church and presidential nominee Chuck Baldwin announced he had collaborated with Barr and Paul on a letter that was subsequently sent to public officials in Missouri. Infowars and Prison Planet posted the letter on March 23. Ron Paul appeared on Back’s show and attempted to minimize the report. “Well, it may be a backhanded compliment, because a lot of us have worked real hard to change our government,” said Paul.
Earlier this month, Missouri governor Jay Nixon went public with his support of the report. On March March 26, Nixon did an abrupt turn-around and distanced himself from the report. “I was not governor when the MIAC was formed,” Nixon said. “I was not governor, I did not hire any of the people there and nobody in my administration — the director of public safety — saw this stuff before it went out,” reports Prime Buzz. “Under a previous system, MIAC would prepare and distribute these reports to law enforcement agencies without review or approval from the colonel of the Highway Patrol or the director of Public Safety,” Nixon said. “That’s simply not acceptable.”