In an article published on the Human Events website , a website dedicated to the conservative movement in politics, actor Chuck Norris lambasted John McCain and voiced support for Dr. Ron Paul and his "gang of ten" in Congress. He further announced a revolution in the making as Americans get fed up with our political process and the lame-duck choices it usually produces for us to choose from.
Read Norris' article below -
I believe a revolution is coming to America. Just as Hurricane Ike slammed into my home state of Texas, I am more and more convinced as every year passes that a needed voter revolution is brewing and will arrive imminently at America's shores and ballot boxes.
The birth pains for this voter revolution can be seen through the highs and lows of current political polarities. I believe it was felt through the surge of the constitutional community supporting Rep. Ron Paul. I believe it was felt in evangelicals' and conservatives' frustration with our present presidential picks. I believe it is felt in the heightened responses to John McCain's "Hail Mary throw" for vice president in Sarah Palin. And I believe it is felt in Americans' virtually unanimous disapproval rating (roughly 91 percent) for Congress.
Of course, America has some good congressmen, such as Ron Paul. But the fact is those good politicians are few and far between. The majority of them need to be replaced, and the rest of them need our help to do it.
A voter revolution would usher in politicians who make sweeping and radical changes, including disposing of the unconstitutional Internal Revenue Service and replacing it with a "fair tax." These are leaders who genuinely commit to the America established by our Founders, drastically cut government waste, immediately stop pork-barrel spending, reject political perks and lobbyists, quit borrowing from other nations (such as China), cease imperialism and nation building, lessen the flow of so much government aid overseas, and bring back production and pride in American commerce, etc.
The way I see it, there are three major common-sense steps toward a voter revolution:
First, examine your representatives from the top down, and ask yourself: Do they represent the people? Do they stand by the Constitution? Do they reduce big government, taxes and our deficit? Are they working to protect our borders and sovereignty? Will they stand up to governmental status quo and gridlock? Do they have the type of character that can resist the temptations of political power and special interest groups?
Second, if your answer is "no" to any of the above, get them out of office. Petition their dismissal; publicize their political problems; and muster community consent in order to vote others in. Call them by name on blogs, and explain to people why they should be ousted; then do it. No more talk. Stay the course, no matter how long it takes.
Third, fight to vote in solid, reputable, law-abiding, Constitution-honoring representatives. Half our problem today is that we have been duped to vote into office individuals who have no integrity. A politician's integrity must precede our interests because if leaders are above reproach, then they are more likely to do what they've promised. And if you can't find a more upstanding citizen than you are, then consider running for public office. It's time to get out of the bleachers and onto the battlefield.
You know the words of the British orator Edmund Burke, "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing." Well, evil has flourished for too long. It's time for the good people to rise up in another voter revolution. Don't be like the 90,000 people who ignored the evacuation orders as Hurricane Ike approached. Don't just sit back and hope it turns out OK. Get involved. Start in your community. Fight for your country and state. And together, we can reawaken our country.
It's time we all revive the revolutionary spirit of America's Founders and reinvigorate their legacy. I've experienced a renewed sense of appreciation and commitment to them, and in my new book, "Black Belt Patriotism," I talk about how a spark of their passion can turn into a raging cultural fire:
"It doesn't take many people to foster a revolution. Jesus did it with twelve disciples. George Washington did it with his few suffering troops at Valley Forge. And we can do it today. We can set a new direction for America with people like you and me, who through our efforts in our communities and at the ballot box and in our personal lives can make this country everything it should be, everything our nation's Founders wanted it to be. America has fallen asleep at the wheel and it's time for her to wake up before it's too late. It's up to us; and this book is my way of showing where we can start."
I heard once that it only took 2 percent of our population to create our nation and that it still would take only 2 percent to change it today. If you don't like what you see in America, then join me by being a part of the new 2 percent. If you're with me, then you know the road ahead will not be easy and the war will not be won easily, but the rewards (I promise you) will be ultimately glorious.