A leading British energy company blitzed the newspapers with full page colour advertisements this weekend which encourage children to sign up as "climate cops" and keep "climate crime case files" on their families, friends and neighbours.
The ads, run by Npower, promote a website at http://climatecops.com/ where "trainees" must complete three missions before they can join the "elite cadets" and "train to become a climate cop".
These missions basically consist of a barrage of eco propaganda which the child must simply engage in in order to be accepted as a special agent of the green brigade.
The site offers a selection of downloads, including a pack of “climate crime cards“, which instruct recruits to spy on families, friends and relatives, encouraging each of them to build up a written “climate crime case file”.
"Report back to your family to make sure they don’t commit those crimes again (or else)!” one section states, before reminding recruits to keep a watchful eye on parents and even extend their web further. "What about the homes of aunts and uncles, or friends from school?" it suggests.
The concept brings to mind George Orwell’s classic Nineteen Eighty Four, in which children are encouraged by authorities to spy on their own parents and turn them in for minor transgressions against the State.
The site also has sections for teachers to gather materials from.
The following full page ads appeared in British newspapers this weekend (click to enlarge):
If Npower has its way, parents all over the country are going to find themselves having to explain to their children why they have not paid out to have their home refitted to accommodate light bulbs that cost up to 20 times as much as incandescent bulbs and have not invested in the latest energy saving roof insulation and draft excluders.
This is somewhat rich given that the majority of British families are currently struggling to buy eggs and milk, while energy companies continue to make record profits and announce plans to INCREASE gas and electricity prices.
This concept perfectly demonstrates how it has become the norm to label anyone who questions the climate change "consensus", and still attempts to engage in free thinking debate, as a scourge on society, a "criminal" an "offender" or even a "denier" with all the connotations that word comes with.
Government and corporate fueled alarmism about global warming - which has not occurred in the last 10 years nor will it occur in the next 10 years - is accelerating the creation of new forms of malthusian control over our lives. Those who don’t submit to the whims of the climate cult are derided as second class citizens and subjected to a new manifestation of 1950’s style segregation.
Aunts and uncles, you better hide your washer dryers in the garage or concealed areas of the house, because you are next on the list of the climate cops.
There is a profound sickness in enforcing upon children the idea that they are changing the world when in actual fact they are doing the bidding of corporate elites and megalomaniacs, who have publicly announced their plan to use global warming alarmism as a means of tightening the screws on our freedoms and ultimately eliminating us altogether.
I have a better idea for Npower’s climate cops. Report Npower for printing full page colour ads in newspapers. Your dad leaving the television on standby for 10 years will not waste as much energy as those ads already have.
Also add the climate cops website to your “climate crime case file” as it encourages the printing out of utterly pointless and totally wasteful (not to mention thoroughly annoying) full colour door hangers, posters,"climate crime cards" and "fun packs", all of which will no doubt end up at the bottom of landfills across the country after fuming parents and neighbours find them littered all over their property.
They detail seven different "climate crimes" which include using a tumble dryer, leaving a door open (how evil) and not using energy saving lightbulbs, the very same that have to be left on all the time in order to actually save any energy, are bigger and heavier than traditional incandescent bulbs, require up to ten times as much energy to manufacture, use banned toxic materials, including mercury vapour, and are expected to cost the consumer millions in replacement of household fittings.